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라켓소년단, 무해하고 감동적인 스포츠 드라마( Racket Boys )

by life is goguma 2023. 4. 11.

전남 해남의 중학교 배드민턴부의 좌충우돌 성장 드라마.

특별히 캐스팅이 화려한 것도 아니지만 들여다보면 꽤 괜찮은 배우 조합으로 짜인 드라마다. 특히 19세, 20세, 21세 나이의 연기자들이 중학생 연기를 해도 극적 허용이기도 했지만 무리 없이 소화한다.

특히 <재벌집 막내아들>, <동백꽃 필 무렵>의 아역 배우 김강훈(이용태 역)의 사투리 연기는 감탄을 자아낸다.
<여신강림>에서 임주경의 동생 임주영 역으로, <슈룹>에서 보검군으로 눈도장을 찍은 김민기가 모범생 역으로 나오면서 배드민턴도 잘하는 반전 매력으로 등장한다.
<무브 투 해븐>에서 인상 깊은 연기를 한 탕준상이 윤해강 역으로 등장하는데 꽤 입체적인 역을 잘 소화한다.

MBTI가 ESTJ인 내가 가장 싫어하는 캐릭터 윤현종 역의 김상경은 정말 짜증나게 연기를 해서 보는 내내 분노가 일었다.
착하고 유머러스하지만 보증을 서서 가족들에게 민폐를 끼치고 시합 전에 대책 없이 술을 마시고 체육관도 제대로 알지 못해서 결국 경기를 치르지도 못하고 탈락하는 분노 유발 캐릭터다.

낯선 도시인을 보듬는 시골 동네 주민들의 인심이 훈훈했다. 특별히 자극적인 요소 없이 힐링되는 드라마다. <더 글로리>의 자극적인 소재들에 좀 입맛이 독해졌다면 이 드라마를 보면서 입맛을 되찾는 것도 좋겠다. 에피소드가 특별할 게 없지만 지루하지 않고 즐겁게 봤다.

마음의 여유가 없이 다그치는 엄마로써 살았던 순간순간들이 조금은 부끄러워지는 드라마.
진정 애들을 위하는 것이 무엇인지 생각하게 만든다. 애들을 위한다고 하는 행동들이 돌이켜보면 초조한 내 마음을 달래는 행위가 아니었나 생각도 되고, 그런 것들에 움츠려드는 애들을 보면서 내가 도대체 뭘 얻기 위해 이렇게 치열한가 돌아보게 된다. 그러면서도 애들이 인성 좋고 건강하게 자라주었으면 하고 바라는 것은 넘 이기적인 엄마일까. 뭘 하든 밥벌이는 할 수 있는 사회 구성원으로 크길 바라는데 아이들의 인생과 내 인생을 분리해서 생각하는 자세가 필요할 거 같다.

라켓 소년단에서 윤해강이 동네 할머니에게 아이들을 친구라고 소개하는 부분에서 울림이 있다. 배드민턴 신동에서 배드민턴을 그만두고 야구부에 들어가는 부분도 처음에는 단지 인기 때문이라고 생각했었는데 뒤에 나오는 서사에 맘이 아팠다. 가난하지만 그 가난이 자식들의 상처가 되지 않을까 걱정하는 엄마 오나라의 접근이 가슴에 와닿았다. 가난에 대해 윤해강 나름대로 이해하고 풀어가는 인생이 기특하다.

K-drama Racket Boys, a harmless and touching sports drama 

A growing drama of middle school badminton club members in Haenam, Jeollanam-do.

The casting is not particularly spectacular, but if you look at it, it is a drama composed of a pretty good combination of actors. In particular, actors aged 19, 20, and 21 were allowed to act as middle school students, but they performed without difficulty.

In particular, the dialect acting of child actor Kim Kang-hoon (played by Lee Yong-tae) in <Reborn Rich> and <When the Camellia Blooms> is admirable.
Kim Min-ki, who made an impression as Lim Joo-young, Lim Joo-kyung's younger brother in <True Beauty> and Kim Min-ki, who made an eye mark as a Bogum-gun in <Under the Queen's Umbrella> appears as a model student, and badminton also appears as a good unexpected charm.
Tang Joon-sang, who made an impressive performance in <Move to Heaven> appears as Yoon Hae-gang, who plays a pretty three-dimensional role well.

Kim Sang-kyung, who plays Yoon Hyun-jong, my least favorite character, because my MBTI is ESTJ, acted really irritably, causing anger throughout the movie. 
He is kind and humorous, but he is an anger-causing character who causes inconvenience to his family by guaranteeing for his friend, drinks without measures before the game, and does not know the gym properly, and eventually fails to play the game and is eliminated.

The hearts of the villagers in the countryside who took care of unfamiliar city people were warm. It is a healing drama without any particular stimulating elements. If your appetite has become stronger with the provocative materials of <The Glory>, it would be good to regain your appetite by watching this drama. There is nothing special about the episode, but I enjoyed it without being boredom.

It's a drama that makes me a little embarrassed when I lived as a mother who pressed me.
It makes me think about what it really is for the kids. Looking back, I think that the actions for the children were to soothe my nervous heart, and watching the children cringe at such things makes me look back on what I am so fierce to get. At the same time, is it a selfish mother who wants her children to grow up well and healthy. I want to grow up to be members of society who can earn a living whatever they do, but I think I need to think separately between children's lives and mine.

In the racquet boys' group, Yoon Hae-gang introduces the children as friends to the local grandmother. At first, I thought that the part where I quit badminton and joined the baseball club as a badminton prodigy was just because of my popularity, but I was heartbroken by the narrative that followed. The approach of mother Oh Na-ra, who is poor but is worried that the poverty will hurt her children, touched my heart. Yoon Hae-gang is proud of his life to understand and solve poverty in his own way
