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영화 앵커, 천우희, 신하균 배우가 연기한 스릴러, 결말을 예상하기 힘들었다(K-movie Anchor)

by life is goguma 2023. 4. 25.

처음에 천우희 비주얼이 편견 속에 자리 잡은 앵커의 비주얼이  아니어서 적응하는 과정에서 좀 힘들었다.

그 시간만 좀 참으면 꽤 볼만한 영화다.

초반에는 의외로 신하균의 비중이 크지 않다.

신하균 배우의 무게감이 있어서인지 이런 비중,

천우희의 천우희에 의한 영화 같다는  느낌이 좀 낯설었다.

영화를 보면서 떠오른 명언이 있었다.

자녀가 짊어져야 하는 가장 큰 짐은 부모 내면의 ‘살지 못한 삶’이다.
- 카를 구스타프 융

딸에게 어머니의 그림자는 어떤 것일까?

영화를 보는 내내 좋은 엄마가 되어야겠다는 생각을 했다.

너만 아니었다면...

영화 속 대사가 무척 잔인하게 다가왔다.

워킹맘으로 회사를 그만둘 때 처했던 상황이 떠올랐다. 그 시절 현실은 내겐 좀 가혹했다. 아이 탓을 하는 마음도 없진 않았지만 아이를 통해 얻는 행복이 가늠할 수 없이 컸기에 이 영화 속 엄마처럼 무겁지만은 않았던 것 같다.

그러나 대한민국 현실에서 본인의 커리어를 생각하는 엄마는 이기적으로 그려지는 것에 개연성을 부여된 듯해서 좀 슬펐다.

화장기 뺀 엄마역의 이혜영 배우님의 연기에 감동 받았다.

자칫 상황 자체가 억지라는 느낌을 받을 수 있는데 배우님의 연기로 그럴 수도 있겠다는 생각이 들었다.

신하균의 미스터리한 연기도 관객에게 혼란을 주어서 끝까지 극에 몰입할 수 있게 해 주었다.

It was hard to predict the ending of the thriller played by Chun Woo-hee, and Shin Ha-kyun.

At first, the visual of Chun Woo-hee was not the visual of the anchor who was settled in prejudice, so it was a little difficult in the process of adapting.

It's quite a movie to watch if you put up with that time.

In the beginning, the proportion of Shin Ha-gyun is not surprisingly large.

I don't know if it's because of the weight of actor Shin Ha-kyun,

The feeling that it was like a movie by Chun Woo-hee was a little unfamiliar.

There was a famous saying that came to mind while watching the movie.

The biggest burden that children have to bear is the "unliving life" inside their parents.
- Karl Gustav Jung

What is the shadow of a mother to a daughter?

Throughout the movie, I thought I should be a good mother.

If it wasn't for you...

The lines in the movie came very cruel.

I remembered the situation I faced when I quit the company as a working mother. The reality was a bit harsh for me back then. He did not blame the child, but he did not seem to be as heavy as the mother in the movie because the happiness he gained from the child was immeasurable.

However, in reality in Korea, the mother, who is thinking about her career, was a little sad because it seemed to have been given probability to be portrayed selfishly.

I was touched by actress Lee Hye-young's acting as a mother without a makeup.

The situation itself could feel forced, but I thought it could be because of the actor's acting.

Shin Ha-kyun's mysterious acting also confused the audience, allowing them to immerse themselves in the play until the end.
