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Studying culture

엄마를 부탁해, 신경숙 작가의 베스트셀러(Korean literary culture, Please look after mom)

by life is goguma 2023. 4. 26.

무식쟁이 할머니 울 엄마.
그런데 늘 하던 말마다 어느 현서에서도 읽을 수 없었던 삶의 냄새가 나는 철학이 있었다.
엄마를 부탁해라는 책을 읽는 동안 순간순간 엄마가 떠올랐다.

엄마를 부탁해는 총 4장으로 되어 있는데 각 큰딸, 큰 아들, 아버지, 넷째인 둘째딸과 연관된 엄마의 추억들로 되어 있다.

감명 깊었던 순간들

큰아들이 대학을 가기 위해 고등학교 졸업증명서가 필요했는데, 원서마감이 내일인데, 아빠에게 부탁했던 졸업증명서는 안오고 있다. 밤중에 엄마가 졸업증명서를 들고 상경해서 찾아왔다. 그날 잠들기 전에 큰아들이 엄마에게 서울 처음이지라는 물음에 엄마는그 아들이 안겨준 추억들은 하나 하나 모두 첫번째였다는 것을 떠올린다.
또 큰 아들의 꿈이자 엄마 본인의 꿈이기도 한, 검사.
큰아들에게 여동생을 맡기면서 큰아들의 고시공부는 물거품이 된다. 아들의 출세와 딸의 미래 사이에서 엄마는 얼마나 많은 고민을 했을까. 결국 딸의 미래를 선택하지만, 아들 앞에서 미안하다며 하염없이 운다.

남편이 본인보다 먼저 죽었으면 한다. 
왜냐면 본인이 먼저 죽고 혼자 남겨진 남편은 자식들에게 짐이 될 것이라 생각하기 때문이다.

내가 어느날, 유독 엄마에게만 고약한 아빠 병간호에 지쳐 계실 때, 내가 엄마였으면 도망 갔을꺼 같다며 엄마는 왜 이 고생을 하고 있냐고 말했을 때, 엄마가 했던 말이 떠올랐다.
"내가 아니면, 내 자식들이 짊어져야할 텐데."

엄마가 죽어서 이승에 가기 전에 찾아간 아이를 재우며 잠든 네째(둘째딸)를 보면서 내 새끼가 새끼를 품고 자고 있다고 하는 말에서 뭉클했다.

왠지 막내인 나를 보면서 울엄마도 같은 생각을 할 거 같아서였다.
새벽에 자다가 일어났을 때 나도 엄마처럼 한 가정에 희생하면서 살아갈 수 있을까. 
신경숙작가는 엄마에 딸이니 나도 이 길을 갈 수 있다고 말하고 있었다.

Ignorant grandmother, my mom.
However, there was a philosophy that smelled of life that could not be read in any modern book.
While reading the book <Please look after mom>, I thought of my mom every moment.

<Please look after mom> consists of four chapters, each of which consists of memories of a mother related to her eldest daughter, eldest son, father, and fourth daughter.

The most impressive moments

My eldest son needed a high school diploma to go to college, but the application deadline is tomorrow, but the certificate I asked my dad for is not coming. During the night, my mother came to Seoul with his graduation certificate. Before going to bed that day, when the eldest son asked his mother if it was her first time in Seoul, the mother recalls that all the memories the son gave her were the first.
A prosecutor who is also a dream of a big son and a mother's own.
Leaving his younger sister to his eldest son, his study for the examination is in vain. How much did the mother worry between her son's success and her daughter's future. Eventually, she chooses his daughter's future, but she cries endlessly in front of his son, saying she is sorry.

Mom wants her husband to die before her.
Because she thinks that the husband who died first and was left alone will be a burden to her children.

One day, when I said that I would have run away if I were her, when she was tired of my dad's sick care, which was especially bad for my mom, I remembered what she said when she said why she was suffering.
"If it's not me, my children will have to carry it."

Watching her fourth (second daughter) who fell asleep while putting the child to sleep before mother died and went to this world, I was moved by the words that my baby was sleeping with a baby.

For some reason, I thought my mother would think the same way as I was the youngest.
When I wake up from sleeping at dawn, can I live sacrificing to one family like my mother.
Writer Shin Kyung-sook was saying that I can go this way because I am a mother and a daughter.
